Posts Tagged ‘Nuffield Hospital’
Monday, April 23rd, 2012
I have been setting up a specialist anxiety clinic. For many years I have been working with patients suffering from a variety of anxiety based disorders and have found at 6 month follow-up irrespective of the type of therapy, something was lacking for some. So, I started to look outside the box and found an extensive amount of research around the reduction of anxiety using exercise.
As a result of the research of people like Oeland AM, Laessoe U, Oleson AV, Munk-Jorgenson P C. Barr Taylor, MD James F. Sallis, PhD RNeedle, PhD, I have integrated exercise (with a personal trainer) with specific type of CBT to form a new type of evidence based therapy for clients suffering from anxiety related illness. This integrated therapy will float under a positive Therapeutic Relationship. I still believe that it is the Therapeutic Relationship that far outweighs any other factors in therapy and it is from there that one needs to integrate whatever therapy will meet the need of the client.
This therapy model works with the client from both body and mind perspectives. I also feel that the effects of exercise which are similar to the symptoms of anxiety i.e. shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, tightness around the chest, sweating will be reframed into a positive experience with the help of therapy and therefore on an experiential level their angst about feeling anxious will be brought under control a lot faster.
Do the free Anxiety test on my main website under the “Do I need Therapy” tag.
Tags: anxiety, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, burnout., CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy bristol, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy bristol, GAD, general anxiety disorder, Nuffield Hospital, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, psychologist, psychologist bristol, psychotherapy, psychotherapy bristol, social anxiety, stress, Tania Blom
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Monday, February 6th, 2012
Tags: anxiety, behavioural therapy, Bristol, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, CBT, Clifton, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, contamination, Free Anxiety Test, hand washing, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, obsession, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, rituals, therapy
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Sunday, February 5th, 2012
Tags: anxiety, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, CBT, cbt bristol, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy bristol, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy bristol, counselling, counsellor, depressed, depression, low mood, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, SAD, Tania Blom, therapy, therapy bristol
Posted in What we are discussing | Comments Off
Sunday, February 5th, 2012
Tags: anxiety, Bristol, CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy bristol, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy bristol, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, social anxiety, Tania Blom, therapy,
Posted in Halcyon Clinic, News | Comments Off
Friday, February 3rd, 2012
Body Image will draw to a close in March. The Terrific Transformations forum will still be live for all members as support.
Tags: Add new tag, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, bristol obesity clinic, bristolobesityclinic, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, overweight, Terrific Transformations, weight-loss, weight-loss course, weight-loss forum, weight-loss workshops
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Saturday, January 16th, 2010
Tags: behavioural therapy, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy bristol, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy bristol, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, psychotherapist, psychotherapist Bristol, psychotherapy, psychotherapy bristol, Tania Blom, therapist, therapy, therapy bristol, Videos and Podcasts
Posted in Halcyon Clinic, News | Comments Off
Saturday, January 16th, 2010
Tags: anxiety, Bristol Nuffield Hospital, CBT, cbt bristol, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy bristol, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy bristol, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, psychologist, psychologist bristol, psychotherapist, psychotherapist Bristol, psychotherapy, psychotherapy bristol, stress, Tania Blom, therapy, Videos and Podcasts
Posted in Halcyon Clinic, News, What we are discussing | Comments Off
Thursday, February 12th, 2009
These Biochemical Behavioural Therapy workshops are designed to help clients suffering from low seratonin wich often presnts as: Depression, Insomnia, Obesity or/and Low Self-esteem to be able to create the environment that their own bodies will nuturally have the appropriate neurons firing at the correct times in order for them to be able to experience life to its fullest without the side effects of artificial chemicals. It is about teaching you to assisting your body to create it’s own serotonin.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter most frequently related to depression and it also controls many vital human functions such as hunger regulation, thirst, mood, breathing, sleep, confidence, self-esteem, perspective, attitude , empathy to name but a few. This lifestyle change has huge ramifications on all relationships. Including how clients relate to themselves, to others and also how they relate to food. This results in physical changes one of which is weight loss in client suffering from excess weight, weight gain for those underweight, and overall general wellbeing.
The last intake for 2009 of these 90 minute Biochemical Behavioural Workshops will be on 16 November at 18.30. The first for 2010 will be 11 January.
Please either log your interest through the contact me section, call me on 0117 3179538 or email [email protected]
Tags: Add new tag, anxiety, attitude, Biochemical Behavioural Model, breathing, Bristol, CBT, Clifton, cognitive behavioural therapy, confidence, depression, empathy, Events, insomnia, lifestyle, low self-esteem, mood, neurotransmitter, Nuffield Bristol, Nuffield Hospital, obesity, perspective, psychologist, psychotherapy, relationships, self-help, seratonin, sleep, Tania Blom, Terrific Transformations, weight-loss, workshops
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