Posts Tagged ‘terrifictransformations’

Body Image 2011- 2012 team

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Body Image team is three months in on a nine month journey. Tania Blom is making use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ( CBT ) to drive the changes in the teams relationship with food. resulting in the team seeing food as fuel and not as a comfort or friend or confidant anymore.

The Terrific Transformations forum has become the friend confidant, emotional support and the seat of many new friends as we concentrate on healing the body and mind while we teach the body to burn the fat around the organs as well as on other sites in the body.

If you would like to be part of the next intake, contact Tania Blom either via or click on the tab on this site, or via or click on the Terrific icon on this site.

This is a life changing journey.


Thursday, February 12th, 2009

The Bristol Obesity Clinic Team runs a continuous assesment clinic. Book an assesment early to ensure that you too can be on the pathway to  the Lifestyle Changes that will change your Life and Body Forever. This clinic offers you a step by step route to a healthier lifestyle without the misery of dieting! Putting you back in the driver’s seat by changing your biochemistry and your relationship with food.

Work with us to ensure you are still around to enjoy a long and happy future. To secure a booking, either email  [email protected] or  call 0117 3179538.